Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Economic Crisis and Price Matching??

Ok, its a stretch, but Since our Presidential candidates, Congress, the talking heads, and everyone you meet on the street has weighed in on the financial crisis, I thought it was time to voice my significantly less important opinions.

First of all, Thank you. We open the doors every day, and folks keep walking in and letting us fit them in great shoes. We're lucky, when times get tough, you still need your run or walk. I hear customers talking even more about their workout as daily sanity. However, even the FootZone is seeing that this year is different and folks are understandably watching their pennies a little closer. You all know that FootZone has never been a place to focus on price and that won't change. In retail, you choose your path, and ours will always be the path of relatively well paid employees, health care and exeptional customer service. I've yet to see the example of the retailer that excels at servicing the customer while also being a great discounter. I admire Costco for their low margins and paying their employees but I certainly don't expect help finding something there. I think people get that, and support us not only because we have the right product and service, but because they like us as a business. Anyway (finally getting to the point), I do want to remind people that we match prices. We always have, although we don't make a production of it. If price is a hurdle, but you still WANT to buy their shoes from us, no problem. If it's an online option, we'll ask you to factor in shipping. Otherwise, it just has to be the same product and same size. We don't want you to think of us first because of price. However, we don't want you to feel like you have to shop elsewhere because of price, either. We know we offer a good value at the FootZone and that's where we'll keep putting our energy. Cheers-Teague

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