Monday, July 6, 2009

Holi-day Weekend

Well, there's no such thing in retail but we did revel in all the festivities this weekend to celebrate our independence had to offer. Friday was hopping with Spark your Heart packet pick up. Melanie and Teague both got to participate in the 5k on Sat. Spark your Heart might the perfect 4th of July community 5k. The highlight for me was getting to talk with so many from our Learn to Run group who we're completing another 5k (something they might not have though possible just a few months ago). The Pet parade continues to be hilarious and a tribute to civilization that you can bring that many people and animals together on a hot day with relative calm.
Sunday the 5th brought a first, Dave, Rob and I began our training for the Cascade Classic this year with a road ride on Sunday. Then off to a day fitting shoes at FootZone and the day ended with a baby shower for Jenny, Shane and baby Owen. All the FootZoners came together for an evening of merriment, horseshoes and good food. Nice to have a few non-work moments hanging out on a beautiful evening. Cheers-Teague

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